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Pass & Ticket

큐슈의 교통패스산큐패스

(SUNQ Pass), 후쿠오카의

새로운 명소 'E∙ZO FUKUOKA'

펀티켓, ​돔투어, 야구티켓



후쿠오카의 새로운 명소

'E∙ZO FUKUOKA' 의 최인기

엄선 BEST 5를 즐길 수 있는

FUN TICKET가 12월 24일

​대한민국 최초 발매!

돔투어 (2).jpg

What's New

큐슈의 최신 여행 정보와

각종 이벤트 및 할인 정보



디스커버리 큐슈

공식 인스타그램

비즈니스 미팅


디스커버리 큐슈의 

​비즈니스 및 업무 제휴



Thank you for visiting the homepage of Kyushu discovery.

Discovery Kyushu is a travel company specializing in Kyushu , Japan. Has been conducted in cooperation with overseas businesses, along with Fukuoka (福岡) Nishitetsu Group (Note) (Nishitetsu Group), sankyu Pass (SUNQ PASS) Steering Committee, based in, collaborating in Japan and Korea Business of the Republic of Korea Main Travel There is.

In addition, the Nishitetsu Group permanent public relations center is operated, the Sankyu Pass, which is an essential item for Kyushu travel, and the sale of various transportation passes that can be used in Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Beppu, etc., Kyushu travel consultation, events on the Nishitetsu Group and Kyushu Tabi blog We are focusing on various Japanese-related businesses, such as sponsorship, mail order sales, and studying abroad in Japan.

In addition, design, printing and publishing, brochures, pamphlets, guidebooks, etc. are produced and published, and advertisements are produced and agency business. (Japan Nishitetsu Group, Sankyu Pass Steering Committee, Dong-A Ilbo, Airport Railroad Seoul Station, Kyushu Tabi Blog, etc.)

We ask for your attention and attention to'Discovery Kyushu', which is always striving to improve the satisfaction of all visitors. Thank you.

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